CAE Manager, Jaguar Land Rover
Dr Tayeb Zeguer hold a first honour degree in mechanical Engineering, a master degree in computer aided design and a doctor ( PhD) in optimisation and robustness. Tayeb joined Jaguar in 1984 in power train department. He worked as CAE analyst in various departments using linear and non linear codes on various components and vehicle assemblies. He specialised in multidisciplinary optimisation (MDO), safety and advanced CAE. Tayeb has proven ability to take CAE application to the next level, whether at component level , subsystem assemblies or complete vehicle. Tayeb has consistently shown leadership and vision to define a successful CAE strategy resulting in increasing accuracy, speed and robustness within JLR.
Tayeb goal now is to provide JLR with an integrated, automated and design improvements methods in the use of MDO in order to design and dramatically improve the quality of product design against parameters like performance, robustness and time to market.
The pace of vehicle technology change is accelerating. Vehicles are changing in response to consumer taste and expectations, higher safety standards, and the drive toward a low-carbon future. Today's auto industry workers need systems thinking. That means that individuals must possess the soft skills that enable cross-cultural communication, collaboration and teamwork.
Today’s simulation tools are only used by CAE expert and often very specialised in only one discipline. Traditional MDO is a time consuming, difficult, and expert dependent process, which may not reach the full potential of the advanced MDO technologies.
Few practical examples will be presented to demonstrate how to create a simple tools created by the MDO expert and used by used by a non-expert such as a CAD engineer. This approach will help improve the employee skills and will help drive more collaboration, software integration, design optimization and sharing simulation models across all the business regardless of their skill set.